Welcome to St George’s Church, Lincoln, a dynamic parish church that wants to reach out to the people of Swallowbeck with the love of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to St George's Church Website

“May your servant find favour in your eyes.” 1 Samuel 1:18
Our most recent Livestreamed Services are available by clicking this link:

The theme for our current series of services through February is, 'Seeking God and Seeking Growth', a series of discussions as part of the Church Service looking at how we are as a church and what our 'vision' for church now and in the future might be.

Rev. Adam Watson

Priest in Charge, Rev. Adam Watson Adam is supported by our Childrens & Families Outreach Worker, Jonny, our Church Wardens, Linda & Andrew, and our retired ministers, Colin, Steve and Lay Readers, Dave & Reuben.

An encouraging Sunday morning as we launched the first session of the Seeking God. Seeking Growth course. Exploring our perceptions of what church is and who it is for. Keep an eye on your emails during the week as we send out the course material and summary of the feedback, particularly for those who couldn’t be there today. See you for session two, exploring our purpose next Sunday at 10:00am! 🙏 ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us for worship at 10:00am during the month of February as we explore the Seeking God, Seeking Growth course. An exciting opportunity to discern God’s vision for us as a church moving forward. ... See MoreSee Less
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Sunday Services @ St George’s on YouTube & Facebook

9am & 10:45am
Now in church
NB: 10:45am
Livestream begins at 10:40am on YouTube
and available later on Facebook